Following are accounts of people who have survived catastrophic situations.
We ask that you send us information about anyone you know who may
also be a living testimony that these life-threatening conditions
can be overcome if treatment is allowed to continue.
Such cases ought to be of grave concern to every citizen,
not only of the United States but also of the entire world.
Please send information to us by using the "Contact" button above.
Thank You!
JOSEPH was born very prematurely in 1975. He was on a ventilator for several weeks and not responding when a brain test was done. The brain wave test was reported as consistent with cerebral death. At that time nothing was done to hasten his death or to impose death on him but treatment was continued. Joseph eventually got off the ventilator, went home… when Joseph went to school he got straight A’s, ran track and played baseball. He is now married, has three children and is a paramedic.
Quebec woman wakes up after family refuses organ donation.
July 5, 2011 – Madeleine Gauron, a Quebec woman identified as viable for organ donation after doctors diagnosed her as “brain dead,” surprised her family and physicians when she recovered from a coma, opened her eyes, and began eating. “If we had decided to donate her organs, they would have killed her,” said her son.
‘Brain dead’ woman recovers after husband refuses to withdraw life support
NORTHERN TERRITORY, Australia, May 12, 2011 - Gloria Cruz, an Australian woman who was declared “brain dead” regained
consciousness after weeks of fighting doctor recommendations that her ventilator be shut off, according to a report in the Northern Territory News.
Raleane "Rae" Kupferschmidt’s relatives were told by doctors 
she was "brain dead" after she had suffered a massive cerebral
hemorrage, according to an Associated Press Report. Her family
had taken her home to die and were in the process of grieving and
planning her funeral when she awoke and was rushed back to hospital.
She underwent surgery to drain the blood clot from her skull. After
surgery, she recovered her strength and is now undergoing physical
therapy and can walk with the aid of a walker. Doctors expect her to be
walking on her own within weeks. ...
Doctors Who Almost Dissected Living Patient
Confess Ignorance about Actual Moment of Death
PARIS, France, June 12, 2008 ( - A Parisian whose organs were about to
be removed by doctors after he had "died" of a heart attack, revived on the operating table
only minutes before doctors began to harvest his organs.

Incredible story of the 19-year-old who woke up as doctors 

were preparing to harvest her organs

Carina Melchior was in a coma and was not expected to live

Doctors at the Danish hospital had started preparing her for organ donations and the family agreed for life support to be

Less than 24 hours after the breathing equipment was turned 

off, Carina opened her eyes

Her parents are now suing the hospital for damages
Poised to Donate Organs, 21-Year-Old Emerges From Coma

Sam Schmid, an Arizona college student believed to be brain

dead and poised to be an organ donor, miraculously recovered 

just hours before doctors were considering taking him off life

As hospital officials began palliative care and broached the

subject of organ donation with his family, Schmid began to

respond, holding up two fingers on command. Today, he is

walking with the aid of a walker, and his speech, although slow,

Doctors say he will likely have a complete recovery. He even

hopes to get a day pass from the hospital to celebrate the

holidays with his large extended family.
“Brain Dead” Man Recovers Before Doctors Can Take His Organs

They were told there was no chance of their son surviving after 

he suffered devastating injuries in a car crash. But Steven

Thorpe’s parents refused to give up hope – despite four

specialists declaring that the 17-year-old was brain dead.

The schoolboy was traveling in a Rover with two friends in 

February 2008 when a stray horse ran into the path of the car in

front of them. His friend Matthew Jones, 18, was killed in the

accident. Steven suffered serious injuries to his face, head and

arm, and was declared brain dead two days later.

He said: ‘The doctors were telling my parents that they wanted to

take me off the life support. The words they used to my parents

were “You need to start thinking about organ donations”.
True accounts of additional survivors will be posted here. Please check back to learn more.